Richland Co., Ohio

Misc. Records

Register of Official Oaths & Bonds, 1887-1891

Jefferson Twp.

source:  Jefferson Twp. Records

NOTE:  To view source document images, replace the page name at the end of the URL with the image number. 

For example:  To view document 8872.jpg, you would replace "OOB.htm" with 8872.jpg.

Surname Given Name Document
Aungst Calvin 8872
Aungst Calvin 8870
Aungst G.W. 8917
Bierley J.H. 8876
Bollinger Geo. 8894
Crain G.E. 8901
Dill J.M. 8881
Eggerman S. 8899
Eller Samuel 8875
Eller Samuel 8889
Etz Albert 8906
Evarts Reuben Jr. 8896
Faust A.G. 8863
Fisher Irwin 8862
Freehafer A. 8882
Freehafer A. 8879
Fry A.G. 8885
Fry A.G. 8878
Fry A.G. 8868
Fry Daniel 8920
Gatton Aaron 8880
Hamilton Hanable 8890
Hamilton Orange 8887
Hamilton Smith 8918
Heyner Edward 8869
Hissong Jacob 8886
Hissong Jacob 8897
Holland W.D. 8905
Johns Harrie 8900
Johns Harry 8907
Kinney Jacob 8873
Lee O.E. 8883
Lewis J.B. 8864
Maglot Jacob 8912
Maglott Jacob 8921
Maglott Jacob 8893
McCuen H.M. 8902
McCune H.M. 8919
McKinney Ed 8895
McKinney Philip 8867
McKinney Philip 8866
Mowry Samuel 8913
Myers Harrison 8903
Oyster L.L. 8915
Rhodes Geo. R. 8910
Shafer A.J. 8904
Shafer Elmer E. 8911
Soliday N. 8877
Soloday N. 8884
Swank E.L. 8909
Swank E.L. 8914
Swank Jacob 8888
Swank Jacob L. 8892
Sweet Hez 8898
Sweet Hez 8891
Teeter D.M. 8908
Weaver Jackson 8865
Winemiller John 8874
Wolford Basil 8916
Worner Samuel F. 8871

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